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24 with ’24: Andrew Heisler

Senior Photo of Andrew Heisler
Senior Photo of Andrew Heisler
Courtesy of Andrew Heisler

Andrew Heisler is a senior at Jonathan Alder. He is a member of the football team, track and field, yearbook, and senior class president. We sat down with Andrew as part of our 24 with ‘24 interview series. 

Q: What’s your favorite memory of your time at Alder?

A: Definitely when I was Jonathan Alder. (Pioneer Mascot)

Q: What are three things you can’t live without?

A: My phone, my family, and football.

Q: What’s one thing people don’t know about you?

A:  I get really scared when I watch horror movies.

Q: How would you define yourself in three words?

A: Leader, humorous, strong. 

Q: What was your last dream?

A:  The last dream that I remember was I got into a crazy car wreck on a bridge, then I had to parachute out of the driver’s seat. It was crazy.

Q:  Best piece of advice you’ve received?

A: Just because bad things have happened to you doesn’t mean you can be a bad person.

Q: If you made a documentary, what would it be about and why?

A: I enjoy hunting so probably something about conservation, something about why it is good and bad.

Q: Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?

A: I wouldn’t say anything in particular has made me cry. But probably those commercials where they show the sad dogs.

The humane society commercials?

Yeah, those ones.

Q: Song you can listen to on repeat?

A: “Fantasy” by Mariah Carey 

Q:If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?

A: Probably Taylor Swift. That way I could visit my little sister and make her life totally epic. And I would also meet her boyfriend’s brother Jason Kelce. He’s awesome.

Q: Dream country to visit?

A: It’s not a country but I would want to go to Alaska.

Q: What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?

A:  When I got my dog December 23rd of 2020. Reggie, my golden retriever.

Q: If your life was a TV show, what song would be in the intro?

A: “Talladega” by: Eric Church

Q: What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?

A:  Jason Kelce, JJ Watt, and JFK

Q:The most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?

A: I went on a cruise one year with my family and rode the world’s longest zipline. It was crazy. You’re just on your stomach and I thought I was going to die.

Q: What would you like to be remembered for?

A: I would say for helping people out when they really needed it and for my optimism.

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About the Contributor
Paige Jestadt
Paige Jestadt, Editor, Staff Writer
Senior Paige Jestadt is in her third year of Journalism. She currently plays on our volleyball team here at JA. In her free time she enjoys spending one on one time with her closest friends, traveling, trying new things, and most of all hanging out with her two dogs Franks and Beans.