The student news site of Jonathan Alder High School

The Pioneer Press

The student news site of Jonathan Alder High School

The Pioneer Press

The student news site of Jonathan Alder High School

The Pioneer Press

Twenty One Pilots: what we know about their newest album

photo courtesy of photographer Ashley Osborn

In 2009, duo Tyler Robert Joseph and Joshua William Dun created Twenty One Pilots, an Alternative rock, hip hop band that has had seven studio albums, five live albums, and one compilation album. Their latest  album, titled “Clancy,” is set to be released on May 24

The duo has released three songs so far from the album, with each of them accompanied by a music video and released in the order that they are in on the album. Dun had the opportunity to direct the video for “Backslide,” the third song released, which was his first time directing.

During the band’s fifteen-year run, they found a way to incorporate a story into their songs and music videos. This story was set in a made up city called Dema run by a group of people called the 9 bishops located on an island called Trench sealed in by walls on all sides, keeping the members of the city trapped in with no way out.

The name Clancy comes from the character made by Joseph and meant to represent himself in this world; this character is a member of Dema who broke loose and now tries to lead the rest of the members to break free from the 9 Bishops’ control and free themselves.

Joseph has claimed during the press tour for “Clancy” that this would be the last album inside of the story of Dema.

According to IHeart Radio, Joseph said that “it marks the final chapter” during a press conference. This led some fans to wonder if this would also be their last album but with no confirmation there’s no telling if it is.

The band announced a tour along with the album release starting in August and taking a break in September 2024 before starting back up again during the first half of 2025 for their South America tour. Although their tour hasn’t started yet, the band has been doing smaller shows located in NYC, Berlin, London, Mexico City, and finishing it off in Columbus in order to get more traction for their album. Along with that, the band held a few signings and will host a live album listening event on May 24 at record stores across the world when the album releases.With all of these events going on and all the anticipation built up for the album with their released tracks gaining high praise and respect among fans and music critics, it’s safe to say that Twenty One Pilots’ new album is on track to be one of their better albums in their discography and bring a new level of hype from their fanbase

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About the Contributor
Derek Lee Rodriguez
Derek Lee Rodriguez, staff writer
Derek Rodriguez is a sophomore in his first year of journalism. Derek is the student director for the play and in his free time he enjoys watching movies,playing dnd,and watching his favorite show community. Derek has been described by people as charismatic,friendly,and stoic at times. Derek can be spotted around school with his film and comic shirts, his messenger bag across his chest, and his curly brown hair.