The Jonathan Alder Fall Homecoming Dance will take place on October 12. The dance will start at around 7:30 and end at 9:30. All students will be required to stay until 9.
Student council advisor Sarah Haskins says the theme will be “fall harvest, so like fall foliage and harvest decorations.”
Voting for homecoming court is open and ends today. King and Queen voting will take place Oct. 7 and 8, and the winners will be announced at the game on Friday, Oct. 11.
The dance tickets will cost $10 plus fees, and will be on sale on Hometown Ticketing early this week. Anyone interested in bringing a non-Alder guest will need to turn in a guest form by Oct. 9.
The dance will follow several homecoming activities. According to student council member and senior Addison Schumacher, these will include “The football game the night before and spirit week.”
There will also be a parade through town on Wednesday, Oct. 9. In previous years, this ends in the homecoming bonfire. Due to the recent drought conditions and the open burn ban, the bonfire will not happen this year.

The dance will be a little different compared to last year.
“The theme is better than last year’s, which was masquerade, which was kind of random,” says Schumacher, “but I also think it’ll be a different DJ.”
As someone who has attended homecoming before, Schumacher has some tips.
“Don’t wear super high heels because your feet will hurt,” she says. “And also bring a different pair of shoes because you will get stepped on.”