Cameron Flowers participates in marching band and engineering at Tolles. He plans to go to Wright State and get a masters of science degree in mechanical and aerospace engineering.
Q: What’s your favorite memory of your time at Alder?
A: Probably, it’s kind of basic, I think all the band members would share it. But it’s probably the band trip down to Disney.
Q: What are three things you can’t live without?
A: Phone, internet, friends.
Q: What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
A: It’s kind of basic, but I do watch a lot of anime
Q: How would you define yourself in three words?
A: Nerd, mentor, and fun.
Q: What is the best piece of advice you’ve received?
A: Never take things at face value. I always kind of question everything that everyone tells me. And that’s kind of gotten me, through life, pretty good so far. Question everything that people say.
Q: If you made a documentary, what would it be about and why?
A: If I wanted to focus on more real life stuff I might make a documentary about how people act in high school, or like, their thought processes.
Q: What is the last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
A: There’s a book series. It’s like a web novel series called “Lord of the Mysteries.” One of my favorite characters died and it was sad. I didn’t cry, but I got really sad.
Q: What is a song you can listen to on repeat?
A: “Here with me” by D4VD. That’s one I have not gotten tired of at least. That one’s pretty good.
Q: If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
A: A homeless person because I have been middle class, so it would be nice to swap lives for just a day.
Q: What is your dream place to visit?
A: There’s two places. So first, Norway, to see northern lights, and then also a place called Spanish Lookout Belize because my heritage founded that town.
Q: What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
A: My brother was straightened out by the military, and now his life is great. That’s something that surprised me; the military fully turned his life around.
Q: What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
A: Trump, Biden, and Elon Musk.
Q: What was the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
A: Wading through a river in Zion National Park. It’s out west.
Q: What would you like to be remembered for?
A: Being helpful. I like teaching others in terms of school and stuff like that.