Alder students reveal their favorite Halloween tricks

Kayla Fredendall, Photographer

As Halloween approaches,  students from Jonathan Alder High School share their favorite tricks to play on friends.  “The Pioneer Press’s” staff collected students’ responses.

Austin Hurley ’18– “Pretending to be a statue then scaring people when they walk by.”

Taylor Gearke ’16- “Being booed.”

Jamie Dye ’18– “Jump out of a bush to scare people.”

Trevor Klugh ’16– “Hide in the bushes and jump out to scare people.”

Lexi Wolgemuth ’18– “Prank call.”

Austin Fooce ’17– “Ding-dong ditching.”

Andrey Demchuck ’17– “Hide behind something, then sneak up and scare someone from behind.”

Corinne Parker ’19– “Lay in a ditch and jump out at cars.

Maddie Fuller ’17– “TPing”

Austin Hurley ’18– “Pretending to be a statue then scaring people when they walk by.”

Rachel Keizer ’18– “Ding-Dong ditching.”

Margo Maxwell ’17– “Prank call.”

Trevor Mitchell ’19– “TPing”

Morgan Sarver ’16– “Snipe hunting.”

Austin Kusserow ’16– “Hide behind trees and jump out at people.”

Morgan Hess ’19– “TPing”

Megan North ’18– “Ding-Dong Ditching”

Morgan Blain ’17– “TPing”

Dominick Lee ’17– “Acting dead and jumping up to scare people.”

Kodie Greist ’18“Ding-Dong ditching”