“Just Friends” between boys and girls

Kaylie McDonald, Tech Editor

Dear Editor,

    The tough decision about boys and girls being able to “just be friends” will never have a universal truth. I don’t see why boys and girls can’t just be friends. Although, many others think differently than I do.

    I do believe two people of different gender can be “just friends” without anything happening. Most people believe that because a boy and a girl are friends that they like one another and/or are attracted to one another. All and all, they could be attracted to another but that does not mean that they like one another, want to get married and/or have all sorts of children. It simply means that they enjoy the company of the opposite sex.

    I have lots of guy friends at Alder, but that does not mean I am physically attracted to them or have intentions other than friendship. Yes, I do agree that some girls and guys have other intentions than just being friends with one another, and, yes, I know some guys, unfortunately, do cheat on girls or vise versa with a “friend.” But that does not change the underlying fact that boys and girls can “just be friends.”

“I don’t think friendship should be based on what gender each person is,” stated junior Margo Maxwell.



Kaylie McDonald