Post Season Depression

Riley Gruenbaum, School News Editor

Dear Editor,


    Have you ever felt down or depressed after the holiday season? Post holiday season depression is not yet a recognized syndrome but many people go through a period of sadness after the holiday season is over. It is not widely known of, but it occurs in many people of various ages. After the main holiday season occurs a long period then follows in which children return to school and adults return to work, and the excitement of the season has passed. Planning other activities to look forward to can help to beat this period of grief.

    People over the age of 75 tend to experience the more dramatic effects of post season depression. The older you get, the harder it is to be mobile and to get out of the house; therefore, men and women of this age group tend to look forward to the holiday season, but have less to look forward to as it passes.

    It is proven that cats and dogs may also experience post season depression as their owners return to school or work. Help out your pets by leaving the radio on for them to listen to while you’re out or giving them an article of clothing with their owner’s scent.

    Post season depression is a syndrome that may go unnoticed, but we need to make an effort to eliminate such sadness in our home, schools, and workplaces.




Riley Gruenbaum