Seniors struggle to pick college

Logan Woods, Ad manager

Dear Editor,


    Some say that your senior year is the most stressful year of high school. After going through the first semester of my senior year, I would have to agree with this statement. Choosing a college to help me further my education has easily been the most stressful experience I have ever encountered. There are so many factors to take into account when trying to make my final decision. Do I pick a school close to home or far from home? Do I base my decision on the academic program or campus life?

    When I consider choosing a college, I look most importantly at which colleges can help me achieve my career goals and aspirations without forcing me to go into debt just to pay it off. I believe that going to a school that will help me grow and excel as a person is more beneficial than picking a school because it has a beautiful campus or because it is far away from home. College is the final step for many students before they are thrown into the real world, and attending a college that has a successful program that you want to pursue is the most important thing.

    Finding the college that best suites your needs as an individual is key when picking a college, no matter what your top priorities are. Whether you are interested it schools with national accreditation, high graduation rates, flexible scheduling options, or class size, always know that the perfect college for every student is out there, and it is up to only that student to find it.



Logan Woods