JAHS staff share their dating advice

Jenna Mink, Editor

    As Valentine’s Day approaches, there is a lot of pressure on both males and females to get the perfect present or plan the perfect date. With that being said, it is always good to rely on older, more experienced individuals for advice. For this issue of “The Pioneer Press” the staff asked JAHS teachers and administration what their dating advice would be and here is what they had to say:


Ryan Swinehart-Be honest. If you’re interested, act interested. Plan ahead, make reservations, and make it special. If you’re not interested, don’t look for petty reasons to make it the other person’s fault. Don’t pretend that you’re busy, don’t forget to text back for a week because you were asleep…  just say no thanks!​”

Doc Lorson- “Don’t forget to keep questionable items covered. At dinner with your new date Morgan, you’re reaching across the table when your sleeve goes above your wrist and reveals your latest tattoo which reads, “I ♥ Cory forever.” Wow, that tattoo seemed like a good idea at the time.”

Lindsay Dollinger– “Don’t take your relationship too seriously. It’s probably going to end by the end of high school.”

Kathy Marshall-Listen to your friends and family- if they don’t think he is good for you, he probably isn’t.”

Mike Aurin-Be Yourself: If they are “the one” they will know who you are soon anyway.  Communicate: hard but necessary and not through text…face to face! Make time for each other: Life gets busy.  Find ways to have fun together.”

Darrin Clark- “Be confident!”

Anita Swigart- My advice is this: look at the person’s parents; he or she will someday turn into one of them.  Remember that kindness is more important than anything.  If the person isn’t kind to you, turn around and run…One more thing: try not to become too serious; it takes all of the fun out of it.”

Lisa Puckett- “Never date someone you wouldn’t want to be married to.”