2016 Junior High Power of the Pen
March 17, 2016
February 6, 2016, the Jonathan Alder Junior High School Power of the Pen team competed in the District tournament at Gahanna Middle School West.
Among the Alder competitors were seventh-graders Elaina Winslow, Millia Runkle, Will Engle, Maddy Duffield, Annie Hirshberg, and Caleb Keene. Eighth-graders included Jenna Kiefer, Rebecca White, Madison Shaw, Grace Pomatary, Max Whener, and Jordan Gall.
The competitors traveled to GMSW to compete in the District tournament. It was a fun-packed day that involved hanging with friends, Chipotle and representing the school district. Elaina Winslow took 6th over the entire 7th grade. Millia Runkle won Best of Round 1 over the entire 7th grade.
The Regional Tournament qualifiers are seventh-graders Wilson, Runkle, Engle, Hirshberg, and Keene. Eighth-graders include Shaw, Pomatary, and Gall. The Regional Tournament is March 12, 2016. The awards ceremony for the Regional Tournament starts at 2:00 p.m at Gahanna Middle School South.