Question of the Week

Brian Bowman, School News Reporter

Brian is at it again. If you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Name Grade Response
Lindsey Potter 9 To read minds
Seth Kimberly 9 Flying
Sophia Tonti 9 To breath underwater
Jenna Keiffer 9 Invisibility
Matt Stock 9 Flying
Sydney Beard 10 Flying
Clair Grywalski 10 To read minds
Hannah Bair 10 Flying
Ashlyn McDaniel 10 Flying
Tanner (Lumpy) Lumpkin 10 Super Smartness
Chris Osborne 11 Invisibility
Brandon Dembeck 11 Super Strength
Jacob Sullivan 11 Super Strength
Lexi Thorpe 11 Telekinesis
Sernia Chapman 11 Ability to control the weather
Jordan Ballard 12 Invisibility
Sarah Beam 12 Time travel
Alyssa Masula 12 To disappear
Collin Kovacs 12 Flying
Maddie Fuller 12 Invisibility
Mrs.Schrewe teacher/staff Flying
Mr. Aurin teacher/staff Super healing
Mrs.Puckett teacher/staff Invisibility
Mrs. Devine teacher/staff Teleportation
Mrs. Davis teacher/staff Flying
Mrs.Wright teacher/staff     Invisibility