Glass taped to wall–for a good cause


Lisa Skogsøy, School News Reporter

On Friday, March 16, Mr. Brett Glass was taped to the wall in the cafeteria during 5B lunch. The idea was for students to purchase enough duct tape to tape Glass to a wall so that a chair was not needed to support him.

    The reason behind this was not only for the students entertainment but to raise money for Pennies for Patients. Glass was asked by a member of the Jonathan Alder National Honor Society if he would participate, and he gallantly agreed.

    To get a piece of tape and participate in taping Mr. Glass, you needed to donate a dollar. When it was time to push the chair from under his feet the tape did not hold him up and he was left standing on the floor, otherwise unscathed by the event.

    Pennies for Patients is now at an end and the winner of the classroom collection is Mrs. Laine Schrewe’s 5th period class. They won with $360.11, which works out to $20.01 per person, and her class won a pizza party. All together the amount collected for Pennies for Patients was $1213.64. Well done!