My Farewell to the Pioneer Press


Mary Ferrito, Staff Writer, Social Media Manager

As my time at Jonathan Alder comes to an end, there are about 2,022 things that I’ve learned since freshman year, but to save us both some time, I’ll just highlight one of the most impactful aspects of high school for me: being a member of the Pioneer Press. 

But first, a confession: I joined the school newspaper as a junior strictly on the basis of hanging out with my senior best friend who was in the class, but I stayed for a second year because of how much I genuinely loved it. 

I loved it for a lot of reasons, but I’ve narrowed it down to three big ones: the people, the atmosphere, and the actual writing and publishing. 

I’ve been on lots of teams in my life, but the Pioneer Press is a really neat one. I’ve become friends with people I would’ve never met without journalism, and they are really some of the best people I know! Every member brings their own unique skills and talents to the team, in addition to representing different walks of life at Alder. 

Differences and diversity are celebrated on the Pioneer Press, which elevates the atmosphere of the class, as well as the range of our content and publications. Mrs. Marling and the team have created a culture within the newspaper that is inclusive, accepting, and really just a safe place to be. 

Lastly, the actual writing and researching that I did during my time on the team has made me a better writer tenfold, in addition to broadening my perspective on certain topics and helping me find what I’m passionate about. Of course, there are things you may have to write about that you aren’t crazy about, but for the most part, Mrs. Marling allows you to pursue article topics that you enjoy, which was such a fun, creative outlet for me. 

In conclusion, I would 100% recommend applying to be a part of the Pioneer Press– the only regret I have in regards to journalism is not joining sooner!