23 with ’23: Addy Johnson

Courtney Lynn Photography

Johnson poses for her senior photo.

Addy Johnson is a senior at Jonathan Alder High School. Johnson is a member of marching band, Leo Club, and NHS, and is the student director for the play and musical. We sat down with Addy as part of our 23 with ‘23 series to spotlight 23 different members of the class of 2023.

Q: What’s one thing people don’t know about you?

A: I listen to rock and roll music.

Q: What’s your wakeup ritual?

A: So since I don’t come in first period I get up around 7:30-8:00, and then take a shower, brush my teeth, take care of all the animals, and then I’ll normally go down and work out, and come back and work on school.

Q: What’s your go to bed ritual? 

A: I’ll take a shower, and then get dressed, brush my teeth, brush my hair, then I’ll sit in bed and read for little bit, or scroll on Tiktok.

Q: What’s your favorite time of day?

A: Probably sunset so around like six ish, I love the sunset it reminds me of family that has passed.

Q: If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?

A: Jennifer Aniston, I just love her. She is a fantastic role model.

Q: Dream country to visit?

A: Italy or Greece.

Q: What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?

A: My parents surprising us with Morgan Wallen tickets when we were down in Florida.

Q: If your life was a TV show, what song would be in the intro?

A: “Sun To Me” by Zach Bryan.

Q: What are three things you can’t live without?

A: My family, my friends, and probably my pets.

Q: What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?

A: Van Halen, Zach Bryan, and my Great Grandma.

Q: Window or aisle seat?

A: Aisle seat, I’m tall so I need the leg room.

Q: Secret talent?

A: I can whistle like no one’s business.

Q: Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?

A: We went on a hike in Arizona that had a lot of steep cliffs, and it was a hike up to this big rake in the Grand Canyon and it was really cool to see.

Q: How would you define yourself in three words? 

A: Outgoing, creative, and talkative.

Q: What’s inspiring you in life right now?

A: My dad, just because of how hard he can work and still make such a good family life balance.

Q: Best piece of advice you’ve received?

A: Focus on the here and now, and whatever happens, happens.

Q: What would you like to be remembered for?

A: For changing at least one person’s life, because I want to be a nurse and if I can help one person go through heartbreak, pain, or the loss of a member, even making it a little bit easier.

Q: Best thing to happen to you today?

A: Getting donuts from Mr. Hennig.

Q: Worst thing to happen to you today?

A: Having to study for exams.

Q: If you made a documentary, what would it be about?

A: The effect of healthcare workers on our lives that we don’t even realize.

Q: Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?

A: A YouTube video of farmers and the struggle that they deal with.

Q: Song you can listen to on repeat?

A: “From Austin” by Zach Bryan.

Q: On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?

A: 7 ½