23 with ’23: Amara Suchy


Contributed via. Amara Suchy

Amara Suchy holds duck.

Amara Suchy is a senior at Jonathan Alder High School. She is involved in the lighting and sound systems for the JAHS theater productions and works closely with farm animals in her free time. She is a student director of the JA Band and helps with the middle school band at Canaan daily. We sat down with Amara as part of our 23 with ‘23 series to spotlight 23 different members of the class of 2023.


Q: What’s one thing people don’t know about you?

A: I have shown chickens for 11 years. 

Q: What’s your wakeup ritual?

A: I wake up at whatever reasonable time gets me out the door in time fast enough to go to Canaan. 

Q: What’s your go to bed ritual? 

A: Typically I end up reading, whether it’s an article or a book before bed.

Q: What’s your favorite time of day?

A: 8:00.

AM or PM?

A: PM.

Q: If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?

A:  I’m thinking like Scott Jones.

Q: Dream country to visit?

A:  Australia.

Q: What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?

A:  I guess when I was awarded student director during Memorial Day Parade.

Q: If your life was a TV show, what song would be in the intro?

A:  I feel like “Blinding Lights,” I feel like that would be it.

Q: What are three things you can’t live without?

A: Friends and family, my farm, music.

Q: What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?

A: The Queen of England, Betty White, and let’s go with Zendaya.

Q: Window or aisle seat?

A: Window.

Q: Secret talent?

A: I can play the Banjo.

Q: Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?

A:  I went cliff jumping in Puerto Rico.

Q: How would you define yourself in three words? 

A: Caring, sarcastic, and laid back.

Q: What’s inspiring you in life right now?

A: Honestly, Mr. Hennig for my pursuing music education.

Q: Best piece of advice you’ve received?

A:  If it was easy, everyone would do it. 

Q: What would you like to be remembered for?

A: Being that one person in the booth making the sound work. Yeah, all my work in the tech booth.

Q: Best thing to happen to you today?

A: I got to play French horn at Canaan with the sixth graders and that was fun. I enjoyed that

Q: Worst thing to happen to you today?

A:  I had to play french horn, that was actually kind of a pain in the butt. It was like a love hate relationship. 

Q: If you made a documentary, what would it be about?

A:  I’d say a documentary on equestrian riding and mental health, how mental health can be helped with riding horses and working with animals. 

Q: Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?

A:  The show choir show. Everything went wrong all at once during the performance and we were all crying.

Q: Song you can listen to on repeat?

A: “Lose Yourself” by Eminem

Q: On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?

A: Seven.