Welcome class of 2027! The next four years of your life will be amazing. High school is a chance to try new things, make new friends, and make memories. High school can be scary at first glance though. It’s true that it’s nothing like the movies. Teenagers don’t abruptly break out in song, and bullies won’t beat you up for your lunch money. There are however many things that you should be aware of. I’ve done you a favor and gathered advice from people who’ve been in your shoes and know what you’re going through. So if you’re worried about how you’re going to survive the next few years, or if you just want to know what to expect, read on.
Keep up with your schoolwork
Jonathan Alder senior Connor Bodey says that the one thing he would tell his freshman self is: “You can’t really count on anything to happen before it happens and you kinda just have to take life as it comes.”
It’s important to take life slow and not rush into things that you’re not ready for. If people are pressuring you into things that don’t necessarily appeal to you, stand up for yourself and say you simply don’t want to! Real friends won’t peer pressure you into things you don’t want to do. Just go with the flow of life!
Bodey advises freshmen to “get your schoolwork done, because you don’t want to be in summer school.”
If you keep up with your work, you’ll save yourself the stress of frantically trying to finish multiple assignments before the 12 am deadline. And try your hardest. Most people think that freshman year is the year to slack off, but if you don’t want to drag your GPA down, I would suggest that you do your work for all four years of high school.
Don’t create traffic jams
While walking in the hallway, don’t stop in the middle of traffic and start a conversation with a group of friends. You will be pushed. I will personally push you! Always walk on the right side of the hallway, and do not run. If you absolutely need to talk about something, go to the side of the hallway.

Prioritize Hygiene
If you’re looking for a trusted adult to go to in the school, Student Support Specialist Sarah Weichman is one of the people you can go to in this school! She can help with everything from housing to hygiene. Her room number is 122. Weichman helps families and students with finding the right resource for their needs.
One of the needs that students often need help with is hygiene. Weichman encourages students to “shower everyday if possible…[wear] deodorant, and if you ever run out of deodorant you [can] come to my office because I can help anyone with the deo for the bo.”
Sanitary napkins are also available in her office or in the nurse’s station. Weichman also adds that washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your face can help prevent sickness. Avoiding touching your face also prevents acne!
Get out of your comfort zone
It’s important to try new things! High school is when you figure yourself out, and find out what you like and don’t like. Go audition for the musical, or try a new sport! Jonathan Alder offers many clubs and afterschool activities like LEO club, Spanish club, esports and more! There’s a club or sport out there for everyone. Don’t stick with one group of friends, branch out and talk to new people, so you can have a wide variety of people you can talk to.
It’s important to not rush into things that you’re not ready for. If people are pressuring you into things that don’t necessarily appeal to you, stand up for yourself and say you simply don’t want to! Real friends won’t peer pressure you into things you don’t want to do.
If you’re worried about what everyone else is thinking about you, I promise that everyone is worried about more pressing matters, and not that your shirt doesn’t match your jeans. It’s important to remember that everybody is more worried about themselves and they’re not picking apart your flaws like you think they are.
Bottom line, high school is not as scary as it seems. Just remember to stay on task, keep up with your mental well being, and try new things. The next four years will fly by, so enjoy it while you can!