Prom update

Prom update

Chloe Grove, Assistant Editor

    As the winter months are ending, the preparation for this years Prom is beginning. The junior class officers, along with the advisers, have been working hard to plan a date, time and location for Prom.

     This year’s Prom is drawing near, and the students of Jonathan Alder are excited to see what is in store. Prom will be hosted on May 7 at Grand Oaks Event and Business Center. The junior class officers are constantly trying to find new ways to fundraise everyday in order to make sure there is enough money for not only Prom, but future activities.

        Though the junior class has decided on many things, there are still many more decisions to be made. The junior class officers decided the theme will  be ‘Enchanted Forest’ but still need to compromise on other final details before spring. Like last year, dinner will not be provided.

    Prom is an exciting event that many students look forward to every year. Senior year Prom is a memory that will be with those who attend for the rest of their lives.