23 with ’23: Wyatt Kaizer
Senior Wyatt Kaizer in stance.
Wyatt Kaizer is a senior this year at Jonathan Alder high school. He is involved in a number of extracurricular activities and sports like football, track, lacrosse, show choir, and symphonic choir, but he’s also thinking about joining esports.We sat down with Wyatt as part of our 23 with ‘23 series to spotlight 23 different members of the class of 2023.
Q: What is one thing people don’t know about you?
A: I’m pretty open, I think. Most things I like people know about me.
Q: What is your wakeup ritual?
A: I don’t have one. I try to wake up before seven [a.m.].
Q: What is your go-to-bed ritual?
A: Turn on the TV and either watch it until I fall asleep or turn it off when I get sleepy. I don’t like being sleepy while watching it.
Q: What is your favorite time of day?
A: Night time because I just hate waking up and I like laying in bed and watching TV.
Q: If you could switch lives with someone for a day who would it be?
A: It would be pretty cool to live as a viking. I’ve always wanted to be a viking or a pirate. I like Jack Sparrow a lot, he’s pretty awesome. He has pretty cool adventures and I take inspiration from him.
Q: What is your dream country to visit?
A: Japan. I really like anime and stuff like that. I’ve always wanted to visit Okinawa and the islands down there.
Q: What is the biggest surprise you’ve had?
A: One time for spring break we were planning on going to Chicago and then a waterpark. We’d been planning [the Chicago trip] for a couple months, and then when we were going to leave, [my mom] gave us these little gift bags and it turned out we were going to Disney. That was awesome.
Q: If your life was a TV show, what song would be in the intro?
A: It might just be the intro to the Scooby-Doo show cause that song is heat and I really like Scooby-Doo.
Q: What are three things you can’t live without?
A: Definitely my phone, I have over seven and a half hours of screen time a day. Probably my TV and also friends and family.
Q: What three people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
A: I’ve always wanted to meet some famous people. I think it’d be pretty cool to meet Ryan Reynolds. I don’t think he’d like my dinner but he’s a pretty chill guy. Don Glover, I’d like to meet him. He’s pretty cool. And Charlie Chaplin, he’s pretty cool and he’s a dancer.
Q: Window seat or aisle seat?
A: Window, 100%.
Q: Do you have a secret talent?
A: I can thread the needle. The thing where you jump through your leg. That’s my go-to dance move.
Q: What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
A: Hikes. Hikes are pretty cool; I guess they’re adventurous.
Q: How would you describe yourself in three words?
A: Outgoing, funny, dedicated
Q: What is inspiring you in life right now?
A: Dream’s face reveal. He could’ve done a face reveal at five mil like everyone else but no. He waited until he was at the top of his game. It was also just a straight capital money move.
Q: What’s the best piece of advice you’ve received?
A: Do whatever makes you happy. What makes you happy is different than what makes other people happy and you don’t have to worry about them. If quitting a sport is what makes you happy then so be it, you don’t have to prove anything to anyone.
Q: What would you like to be remembered for?
A: It’s pretty hard to be remembered as anything more than a good family member or a dad or something. So just being like a nice, kind person.
Q: Best thing to happen to you today?
A: I venmoed Carson Pauly ten dollars to not talk for the rest of the day and she accepted it.
Q: Worst thing to happen to you today?
A: I lost in word hunt to Paige King; she smoked me.
Q: If you made a documentary, what would it be about?
A: A day in the life. But not a day in the life of me, it’d be of a cat.
Q: What was the last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
A: Titanic–it’s such a good movie.
Q: What is a song you can listen to on repeat?
A: “Young Dumb & Broke” by Khalid.
Q: On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
A: Life everyday makes me feel happy, so I’d say a 12/10.

Maddie Saiter is a second-year journalism student, who is a senior this year. You can recognize Maddie by her awesome hair. You’ll often see Maddie playing...