23 with ’23: Annson Pagura
Picture courtesy of Annson Pagura
Annson Pagura poses for a senior photo in his band uniform.
Annson Pagura is a senior at Jonathan Alder High School. He is involved with musical and band activities. Pagura is also the President of the Marching Band, and the first chair tuba in the wind symphony. We sat down with him as part of our 23 with ‘23 series to spotlight 23 different members of the class of 2023.
Q: What’s one thing people don’t know about you?
A: I own a didgeridoo.
Q: What’s your wake-up ritual?
A: I have seven alarms spanning from six to seven, I wake up at six. Then I sit in bed until 6:50 then I get up and then go to school. I am not a morning person.
Q: What’s your go-to bed ritual?
A: Sometimes I work on homework or sometimes I’m too lazy to do that. I usually watch YouTube before I go to bed.
Q: What’s your favorite time of day and why?
A: The afternoon probably from 2-6 or 7, depending on the sunset because I really enjoy the sky especially when it’s clear. I spend a lot of time looking at it. I think it’s really pretty.
Q: If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be?
A: Jeff Bezos. He’s rich and I want to know what his life is like. I feel like I would know a lot after I switch lives with him and I’m sure he’s got some shady things.
Q: Dream country to visit?
A: Australia. [I’ve] always been fascinated with Australia.
Q: What’s the biggest surprise you’ve had?
A: Getting a car for Christmas. I was not expecting to get a car for Christmas.
Q: If your life was a TV show, what song would be in the intro?
A: “The Title Track” by Origami Angel.
Q: What are three things you can’t live without?
A: My phone, my computer, and an instrument. My tuba, can’t live without my tuba.
Q: What 3 people living or dead would you like to make dinner for?
A: I think Theodore Roosevelt would be an interesting character. Honestly, Joe Biden would be interesting as well. Probably the Dalai Lama. He’s the spiritual leader of Tibet, but he was kicked out of China because of a communist revolution and currently, he can’t choose a successor so learning about that would be interesting.
Q: Window or aisle seat?
A: Window hands down. I would much rather look out and just pay attention to something else than to the aisle. Especially on a plane.
Q: Secret talent?
A: I can use stilts. Back when I was 12, it was around Christmas time. I asked my mom for stilts, and I don’t know what got me into them, but I wanted stilts, but there was snow for a solid week, so I tried to learn in the garage and half the time our van was in there so I couldn’t use them. Eventually, I just got a knack for them and I kind of know how to use them now. I just have to use the little arm support for them, so I don’t know how to use them without the arm support. It’s a work in progress.
Q: Most adventurous thing you’ve done in your life?
A: Probably going to the University of Akron to perform with their band. Mr. Hennig convinced me.
Q: How would you define yourself in three words?
A: Easy-going, happy, and considerate.
Q: What’s inspiring you in life right now and why?
A: I’m going to be really honest, I found out today I won’t be going to my dream college so right now It’s a bit of a struggle to get motivation, but right now the drive to be better regardless of what Ohio State thinks of me is my biggest motivator.
Q: Best piece of advice you’ve received?
A: Practice makes persistence. If you practice it a certain way, it may not be right, but it’s persistent.
Q: What would you like to be remembered for?
A: Somebody who tried to be a good person. Regardless of what people think in the end, if I am a good person or not, I want to have tried to make an impact on people’s lives in the end.
Q: Best thing to happen to you today?
A: Probably talking over with Mr. Hennig what I want to do in my future.
Q: Worst thing to happen to you today?
A: Well the worst thing is the rejection from Ohio State. It’s big, but it will be okay.
Q: If you made a documentary, what would it be about and why?
A: My growth as a person because I [wasn’t] always… the way I am now. I used to be kind of violent, cocky, and overconfident. And I feel like my growth as a person and mellowing out can help out others in a documentary.
Q: Last piece of content you consumed that made you cry?
A: “A Man Called Otto” a movie Jacob Allen and I went to go see the other day. It was really good and it made me cry. I related to the main character.
Q: Song you can listen to on repeat?
A: “Casimir Pulaski Day” by Sufjan Stevens. Good song.
Q: On a scale of 1-10, how excited are you about life right now?
A: Probably a solid 8. College is going to be great, now that I know where I am going. Capital is great and I am sitting on a $25,000 scholarship. That is going to make it so much easier since Capital is so expensive. I have a car, which is fun, and I’m about to graduate. So things are looking up, I think.

Caitlyn Feay is a senior and a fourth year journalism student. Caitlyn participates in high school soccer, bowling, NHS, and symphonic choir. She enjoys...