Quick Recall starts with a bang

Logan Woods, Ad manager

     Jonathan Alder’s Quick Recall team is excited to compete during the 2015-2016 season. The academic challenge team, much like a Jeopardy team, consists of 20 members and is led by science teacher and adviser Dr. Mark Lorson. Lorson has advised the Quick Recall team at Jonathan Alder for around 25 years and loves coming back to do it year after year.

     When asked about how time consuming participating in Quick Recall is, Lorson stated, “We practice from 7:00AM to 7:20AM every Tuesday and then we have matches weekly. Matches start in early November and go through the end of January. The matches usually last about one hour and we also have junior varsity matches.” Lorson also mentioned that he enjoys coming back to advise Quick Recall every year because it is “fun to go meet with other kids with similar interests, and it gives our students the chance to use the knowledge they have been building up over the last ten to thirteen years of schooling.”

     In general, Quick Recall is an exciting and fun way to put prior knowledge about various school related subjects to the test. Being able to compete against a variety of schools in a competitive and insightful way is enjoyable to the members of the Quick Recall team. That is why the students who participate, along with Lorson, who has no intention to stop advising the team, continue to come back every year.